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Tugas BIG

1. Read two the texts about
2. Analyze the differences and the similarity of those two texts!
3. Then plan to make the Indonesian traditional food or drink, practice at home with your family
4. Don't forget to take the photos of your activities steps by steps!
5. Write your procedure and explanation texts!
6. Post your texts with your photos on your blogs!
 2. Difference
Explanation text :
  1. Explanation text describes events created by nature, not man-made
  2. Do not use step or step
Procedure text :
  1. Procedure text is made up of General Structure, where General Structure consists
  2. Procedure text consists of steps or methods
Explanation text and Procedure text both explain about the process of something happening
 3-6. Procedure text
   How to make Wedang Jahe
Material :
-ginger drink is ready 1 ginger
- 2 spoons of sugar
- Water
Ways of making :
- wash 1 ginger
- peel the ginger skin

turn on the stove and boil water until boiling

- prepare a glass and add 2 tablespoons of sugar

- while waiting for the water to boil, flatten the pieces of ginger

enter the ginger that has been flattened into a glass

if the water has boiled turn off the stove then lift it and pour water into the glass

if the water has been poured into the stirring cup until the sugar has dissolved
- Wedang Jahe is ready
Eksplanation Text
There are several steps to making a delicious Wedang Ginger. First, you must prepare the tools and materials. Second, slice / crush the ginger using a knife, after ginger is crushed you can pour 200 ml of water into the pan and then boil it. Third, put ginger and cinnamon in boiled water for about 10 minutes. Fourth, while you wait for the ginger and cinnamon juice to mix, prepare a large glass and put 2 cups of sugar into the glass. Finally, pour the ginger and cinnamon water into a large glass, and stir with sugar until it dissolves. Wedang Ginger is ready to drink.


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