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Luminesce Firefly

In a small forest, there was a firefly were lived a pair with his mother. His name is Patrick, he is a weak firefly who has no luminescent of him. Mother said to him that he is different to others. He can not fly and has no luminescent since he was born. They were live until Patrick grows to be teenagers. The bad things are he has no friends and can not fly happily in the air like others.
He was sad to mother and locked his room for a whole day. Mother was worried about what is going on him.
“Patrick, why you are not going out from your room and take a meal for a while?” “Are you sick?” Mothers knocked his door and try to pursue him out from the room. “I will put the meal out of your door, so you can take it when you want. Patrick was unable to say “Yes I will mom” his mouth was locked and his heart was too ego to kick out the bad things run on his mind.
He just take the meal when the days gone to be midnight. “I don’t want to come out the room you know mom, till you were die !” “This is my worse life! I am just flawed boy! No one cares me!” He said when mothers try a thousand time to make him out from his room.
The condition were going bad. It is a year since he locked himself in his room. “Dear, I was sick. I got flu and terrible cough, please go outside. I am sorry for make you born in worse condition. In deformity, and no one want to be your friend. I just want to let you know that I love you as Mom and friends.”
Patrick still don’t want to talked to. He just covered his face with blanked and seems frustrated.
Day by day run. In the next week, mom never gave him a meal again. “It is strange, why mom didn’t give me meal for three days?’ I can’t hear her anything!”
He was so hungry, and this condition makes him want to go out from his room. So unexpectedly and dramatic, he caught his mom dead with a letter on her hand. And the letter shows :

   Dear My Lovely Patrick
I don’t know what going on me..
I had checked my health to the doctor when you just locked your room.
Doctor said to me that I got cancer.
It is final stadium.
So my life just in a couple of months
I am so sorry that were got accident when you are in pregnancy
And your dad were dead
You got the physical defect after it
It is not easy to make you understand
That luminescent is you
Not what you just think
That I love you till the day ends
Best regards,


  1. This story is very interesting and teaches us to be grateful with our physical intact


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