LOVE NATURE Love All Creature And World NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (The use of gas stoves and fried steam which causes air pollution) >> REFLECTION: I loved cook, every morning I helped my mother cook in the kitchen, I used a gas stove (LPG) for cook. And usually there are many that come out when I frying fish. I did'n think that this gas and fried gas stove caused breathing problems. WISDOM: These fried gas and steam stoves caused air pollution which disrupts the human respiratory system. Especially if we cook it in a stuffy room (no incoming air). >> ACTION NOW: In order to reducing air pollution such as fried vapor when cooking, I will use a lid to cover the fish I fry , so that the vapor does not coming out, and we can breathing freely. LOVE: By reducing the use of gas stoves (LPG), we can still cook using stoves made from coal. And make sure the kitchen has ventilation so that out side air can enter and the kitchen is not stuffy. >> AC...
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